With the design of Bloorview Kids Rehab the client set out to create a new architectural benchmark for patient- and family-centred health care. Building upon a shared belief in the benefits that a well-designed healing environment can provide, the architectural vision is one of warmth, community, and welcoming for the people it serves (families and children with disabling injuries, illnesses and congenital disabilities). The seamless incorporation of art, sus- tainability, and a non-institutional architectural language weave through program elements that blend state-of-the-art rehab care with recreational elements firmly grounded in both the unique ravine site, and the neighbouring community. The design for the new Bloorview Kids Rehab has served as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the public realm in the neighbour- hood. A new street was created (Kilgour Road), a ravine walkway was widened and stabilized, and a view to the ravine was created at the terminus of Rumsey Road. The gently sloped building form was developed in close consultation with the City’s Urban Design Department as well as local residents.
Bloorview Kids Rehab
Bloorview Kids Rehab
Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc. + Stantec Architecture Ltd.
Vertechs Design Inc
EllisDon Corporation
I like the welcoming warmth exuded by the wooden parts of this building. The wooden underside of the canopy, I think, would make visitors feel like they are coming under the protective wing of an institution whose purpose is to heal the most vulnerable members among them - their children.
I also like the playfulness of this building. I think though they could have added more whimsical features, perhaps sculptures that move with the wind, or solar-sensitive cladding that change/move according to changing sunlight conditions. Children are naturally stimulated by such toy-like things. And if a sick/injured child can be made to laugh, point-and-exclaim with wonder, how wonderful that would be in that the building has commenced the process of healing even before its patients have reached the front door?
"the architectural vision is one of warmth, community, and welcoming for the people it serves"
Are you kidding?
This depressing grey battleship of a building with a couple of random splashes of colour is that last place I would want my parents to take me for treatment of any kind.
Did they forget who the building is supposed to inspire/make feel good?
Hint: It's not your architecture buddies who like ceilings done in ipe.
It looks like a new age prison.
8/0 on the Horrible Scale©
I beg to differ with the previous comments. This building is beautiful. Wonderful materials and execution.
I like the diversity of exteriors materials, and they look to be of high quality. The doses of colour were a good idea to break up the industrial grey, though there should have been more such doses of colour. The sloping roof is great.
Happy and colourful don't come to mind when I see building, but it's undeniable that it looks sophisticated with the materials and form, which will help to reassure kids and their parents that this institution will help them get better.
It's not that bad, which, sadly, is the biggest compliment I can come up with for all of these mostly sorry presentations.
I know this is pathetic but they do seem to have a couple of spots of red. And I'm so desperate I'll vote for it just for that.
What is it with Toronto and grey?
Why choose prison grey? Agree, dreadfully sad.
This should be a happy, colorful place for kids. How many kids are going to be eager to go to this dreadfully sad place.